Scar Tattoo

Scar Tattoo

Micro pigmentation offers a long term solution for camouflaging scarring, infusing pigment into scar tissue. The procedure uses an electric digital needling device and medically certified pigment to implant pixels into the skin blending the surrounding area reducing the appearance by up to 80%. We use multiple blends of pigment with your skin tones, giving you the best possible skin colour match. 

We treat a variety of scars, from minor to major, as well as skin conditions such as vitiligo, port wine stains, skin grafts, stretch marks, etc. We also perform areola restoration, where we can correct and create a symmetrical appearance using specialised techniques to create a more natural look.

An initial consultation is required in order to determine suitability and manage the expectations of our clients. Costs of treatment vary and are discussed depending on how many sessions are required which is determined by the size of the treatment area. Once suitability is confirmed a sensitivity patch test is performed in order to ensure no reactions to the pigment.

Once we are happy to proceed, your treatment can be booked in. Each treatment session takes approximately 2 hours.

If you feel you wish to discuss the possibility of Micro pigmentation, please contact us for more information.
