What is Skin Camouflage


What is Skin Camouflage?


Skin Camouflage is a medical based treatment which improves the appearance of scars and skin conditions as the focus is no longer on the defect or discolouration, improving confidence and self esteem. Conditions such as pigmentation, vitiligo are very common, in addition birth marks, cosmetic surgery or post operative scarring can be successfully treated. 

Skin Camouflage experts are required to obtain certification in order to practise. They are expertly trained and use skill and judgement to identify the best products to both conceal and match the surrounding skin tones.

The specially designed products are simple to apply and do not interfere with any medical treatment which may be in process. The products used are mostly water resistant for a long last, meaning sporting and every day activities will not be affected whilst wearing the camouflage. Creams can last from 8 - 12 hours on the face and body.


A skin camouflage consultation takes approximately one hour. During this time, specially formulated creams are tested directly onto the skin to find the closest match.

 After the skin colour match, advice and training is given to each individual on how to prepare the skin. Individuals are then shown how to mix and apply the creams directly onto their skin until confident and happy with the procedure.

 Results are instant, and the process is an easy way to reduce the visial impact of any insecurities.

Application of the skin camouflage creams does not hurt and will be a similar sensation as experienced by those who apply foundation make-up products. However, most creams used are hypoallergenic, therefore you are advised to consult your doctor if you have any skin disorder, allergies or sensitivity. If any of these apply to you, you should inform the skin camouflage practitioner when making the appointment or consultation.

If you have particularly sensitive skin, a patch test would be done before any further treatment just to ensure results. Skin Camouflage is not recommended on broken, dry or inflamed skin, such as eczema, viral or fungal infections.